Saturday, October 10, 2009

Roll up your sleeves

If you have an argument at home with one of your family members and if you don't address it immediately then the environment at home is screwed. You dont feel comfortable at home.

Same is the situation with a country. If you don't address issues that bother you, things wont be right. They will just fester and things get from bad to worse. 

If you see some big shot beating a poor man on the street, would you intervene or just watch and pass by? Well its time to ask the man why is he doing what he's doing.

If we don't question, then we get no answers. If we question then the man will think that he is not lord. He is answerable to people here on earth. Screw the after life. Let us not say that he will pay in his after life. But what about the poor man who is all beat up?? 
I say address what's in this world here and now. Let the afterlife take care of itself.  

If a politician has amassed 50,000 crore, by screwing the poor, I say lets bring him down.
I have heard a lot of people say, "Oh, He will pay in his afterlife" or "God will take care of him - He will go to Narak / Hell".

We are Gods hands here on earth. We have to bring people to justice here on earth.

But we have a great judiciary OR judicial system. My friend a quote from me "A System is only as good as the people running it". Now if there are thieves running the judiciary then guess what you get? 
Its like a game of cards. Imagine 5 ten year olds playing  cards. Now imagine a group of 5 inmates in a prison who are booked for robbery and murder playing the same game of cards cards. The game is the same. But the players are a whole lot different. Do not depend blindly on any one system

Now imagine if there are philosophers running the judiciary then guess what you get??? A game of cards with a lot of new ideas, all pro life.

Now many initiated people may say "Who cares what you think buddy? I just want to watch my porn." Well i can recommend a few good sites, depends on what's your fix.

Seriously, this is one life of ours, and we spend most of it chasing clouds [money, career, women, getting revenge [i need mine too], kissing people's arses, creating targets on the horizon [you will never get there], joining the crowd, no individuality at all.

Now where am i getting at? 

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